Friday, February 17, 2012

Pin Class! Asian Pins Vs. Standard Bobbypins

Here's a big secret of mine. Japanese bobby pins (shown on top) are uniquely designed to grip slippery hair and coarse textures. The fine tips hold hair so much better than standard bobby pins. Be careful though! They are quite sharp. These pins are ideal also if you're blonde and have fine hair and have difficulty hiding your pins =)
Maybe now you won't have to use 3.444,343 bobby pins in your next updo! Does anyone know of a cheap place to get these?!?


  1. If you live in LA or near a Tokyo Lifestyle store, they sell them for $1.99.

  2. If you have a Daiso near by, a pack is only $1.50! I have the mini version and the regular ones for my long, thick asian hair =^-^=

  3. OMG i've never seen the mini ones!!

  4. I think I need to make the switch. No amount of standard bobby pins will hold my hair together xD

    1. I KNOW! I wonder if different countries have different bobby pins too!

  5. This is a great tip! I have horrible slippery thin hair and I am moving to Tokyo in March so wooohooo! gracias guano!

  6. i live in Pakistan and here we get these asian pins in a pack of 12 for approx $0.2!

  7. I would love to use the top ones! I use almost 10-15 just to make a bun.... However, i can't seem to find them in Denmark :(

  8. Any Asian community you can find them very easily here in new york for sure :)

  9. I live in Indonesia, and we use that bobby pins a lot. It's really cheap in here.. you could get so many with only like $1 lol
